FC2 Analyzer

Homepage of Yutaka Nishiyama (西山 豊)

Mysterious Number 6174
139/200 registered

    Boomerang by Prof Yutaka Nishiyama at river side of Yodo in 1992

Boomerang Instructions 70 Langs
 Last update 7 Mar 2025

64 Mathematics in Daily Life         10 Articles
  (J):Japanese, (S):Spanish, (C):Chinese, (Wi):Wikipedia

1. Boomerang (J)(Wi)(R)
2. Five Petals (J)
3. Fixed Point (J)(Wi)
4. Boolean Algebra (J)
5. Stroboscope (J)
6. Egg Shape (J) (S)
7. Barcodes (J)
8. Harmonic Series (J)
9. Moebius (J)
10. Hexaflexagon (J)(Wi)
11. Inside out (J)
12. Miura Folding (J)
13. Sepak Takraw (J)(P)
14. Increasing of Area (J)
15. 6174 (J)(Wi)
16. Palindrome 196 (J) (Wi)
17. Oldham Coupling (J)
18. Planimeter (J)
19. Sicherman Dice (J)
20. Montmort Theory (J)
21. Random Number (J)
22. Root 2 (J)
23. Cycloid (J)
24. Machin and Pi (J)
25. Burnside Lem. (J)(Q)
26. Heptadecagon (J)
27. Sudoku (J)
28. Odd and Even (J)
29. Curve & Straight (J)
30. Finger Count (J) (S)
31. Writing Direction (J)
32. Penney Ante (J)(C)(Wi)
33. Flex Geometry (J)
34. Van Aubel (J)(Wi)
35. Red or Black (J)
36. Similarity Trans (J)
37. 52 Cycling Cards (J)
38. Straw Flute (J)
39. Minor Keys (J)
40. Benham's Top (J)
41. 2000 Yen (J)(Wi)
42. Unit Fraction (J)
43. Card Shuffle (J)
44. Kruskal Count (J)(F)
45. Triangle 3 Colors (J) (Q)
46. Fullerene C60 (J)
47. Random dots, Regular
48. 19 faces of HexFlex
49. Wheel Question (Q)(J)
50. 1/998001(J)
51. Zeta function (J)
52. Sepak based C60 (J)
53. 100-cells calc (J)(F
54. Pyaramid (J) (1) (2) (Wi)
55. Yubihabu
56. Proizvolov Ident.
57. Lovely Proofs
58. Ptolemy
59. Elegant 2022
60. Interference (J)(J2)(Wi)
61. Galileo
62. Kamei Diagram
63. Petals_Fibonacci
64. Hermann Illusion (J)(Wi)
65. Jastrow Illusion (Wi)

Plus online magazine of Cambrigde University, UK

A bright idea
Sep 2005
Mysterious Number 6174
Mar 2006
Most popular article!
Winning Odds
June 2010
Unit Fractions
Feb 2012
50 Visions of Math
May 2014
Circles rolling circles
May 2014
Lovely proof
Dec 2020


Precession by top (1) (2)
Return to Sender
Japan (JBA)
Kvantik 2014
Boomerang Instructions 70 Langs


Steve Humble
(Dr. Maths) (1)(2)(3)
Michael de Villiers
152 Optical Illusions
by Michael Bach
Francis (th)E mule
Improbable Research

Topics   ( Old Topics since Jan 2011 )
No.319 [ベンハム] 『初等数学』第100号, 92-96ページに「錯視の数理ーベンハムのコマを例に」 が掲載されました(3月7日)。
No.318 [ヘルマン錯視] "Dynamic transitions of blind spots in the Hermann grid illusion" が 『大阪経大論集』Vol.75, No.4, 169-177 に掲載されました(11月15日)。J-Stage で公開されました(12月15日)。
No.317 [組体操] 「守山の2小 運動会 人間起こし中止 組み体操 保護者 説明が不十分」京都新聞, 2024.10.19 にコメントしました(10月19日)。
No.316 [ヘルマン錯視] 「ヘルマン格子錯視に関する盲点の動的移動」が『大阪経大論集』Vol.75, No.3, 129-137 に掲載されました(9月20日)。J-Stage で公開されました(10月15日)。
No.315 [ヘルマン錯視] "Dynamic transitions of blind spots in the Hermann grid illusion" が arXiv に登録されました(8月5日)。

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Math Columns
Elegant Answers

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